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This course is structured into eight weeks with each one of them devoted to a key topic. You will find links for the week activities in the right columm on all pages.
This page serves as your home base for the program and is where you will find information about your teacher, your course and schedule. You can get here easily, just clicking the "home" icon above.
Edit your profile so others can get to know you  (and so you can set your email preferences to control how much email you receive from this workshop). You can check other participants profile using the "people" icon above.
Look ahead to see what is due and when and then use the Help Forum to ask questions if you have any.
Participate fully to get the benefit of learning from peers as well as the facilitator. To access the Forum you can use the "conversation" icon above.

About me


Nara Iwata

Universidade Veiga de Almeida, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


cell: 55.21.999974651


I will be online with all of you at least every two days and will provide feedback within 48 hours maximum. However, if you have an urgent subject that you need to discuss with me... then you should send me an email. And do not forget to fill in the course name within the subject line.

The course


This course, “Universal Design for online courses design”, is an online faculty training to support the design of inclusive courses in Veiga de Almeida University. It is structured into eight weeks with each of them devoted to a key topic. You will spend 4-8 hours each week to complete activities in this course.


Upon completion of the training, scholars are expected to be able to design a 100% inclusive online course. Each week of this course presents a key topic and has a text or multimedia presentation, indication of extra bibliography or research material and an activity, for synchronous or asynchronous interaction. There are specific objectives for each week, detailed in “schedule” section and on links in the right columm on all pages.


A week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. Unless otherwise noted, assignments are due by 11:59pm (Brasilia Time Zone) Sunday in the week they're listed. All the materials needed for the course are available on download page, that includes lecture notes, multimedia material, copies of the syllabus and schedule. An icon for "download" is available on the top of the page.

Grading criteria


One of the advantages of the online medium is interactive, multiparty, multidirectional, multimidia, retriveable communication. In this course we will use assessment processes that are diagnostic, continuous, systematic, varied, comprehensive, participatory and focused on the analysis of the performance of the actions developed.


Those who take part of this training are supposed to participate in all activities. For effective participation, posts must be related to subject, occur in the week while the topic is under discussion, expand concepts and encourage others to respond.


Late assignments aren't possible due to the characteristics of this trainig. But you can go back and respond to previous weeks' topics to improve communication and knowledge construction. 


All assignment instructions, and the resources needed to complete them, are detailed in “week” page on links in the right columm. You can check your development using the "grade" icon above.



Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to due dates for readings, essays, and other in-class activities. Changes to the schedule will be announced during class time and posted to the class website. 


Week 1 - Universal Design


Comprehend the concepts of disability, accessibility, usability and Universal Design;

understand the seven principles of Universal Design.


Week 2 - Legal requirements


Be aware of Brazilian policies for inclusive education;

analyse laws and standards application for online courses.


Week 3 - Disabilities


Identify different disabilities (visual, hearing, motor and cognitive impairments);

evaluate the impact of these disabilities for online education.


Week 4 - Assistive technologies


Recognize how individuals with disabilities interact with and use the web;

evaluate how assistive technologies work.


Week 5 - Navigation and structure accessibility


Identify HTML and Javascript accessibility techniques;

review existing course in terms of navigation and structure accessibility.


Week 6 - Multimedia accessibility


Identify power point, flash, word, excel and pdf files accessibility techniques;

identify images, audio and video accessibility techniques;

review existing course in terms of multimedia accessibility.


Week 7 - Communication tools accessibility


Identify asynchronous and synchronous communications tools accessibility techniques;

review existing course in terms of communication tools accessibility.


Week 8 - Evaluation tools accessibility


Recognize the pedagogy challengers for students with disabilities;

identify evaluation tools accessibility techniques;

review existing course in terms of evaluation tools accessibility.

Institutional policies and support


Suporte técnico

Veja aqui a solução de problemas e os requisitos de software e hardware para o correto acesso ao ambiente virtual de aprendizagem.


Para melhor visualização de nossas disciplinas on-line, você precisa utilizar um navegador compatível com HTML5, como:

- Google Chrome 18 ou superior
- Firefox 24 ou superior
- Internet Explorer 10 ou superior


Demais requisitos de Software

- Sistema Operacional Windows XP/VISTA/7/8 ou superior, Mac OS X ou superior
- Microsoft Office (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel)
- Programa para visualizar PDF (Adobe Reader, Foxit, etc)
- Programa para compressão / descompressão de arquivos. (Winzip, Winrar, etc)


Requisitos de Hardware

- Resolução mínima de tela de 1024 X 768 pixels
- Computador com processador de 1 gigahertz (GHz) ou superior de 32 bits (x86) ou 64 bits (x64), 1 gigabyte (GB) de RAM (32 bits) ou 2 GB de RAM (64 bits)
- Disco rígido com 500 Gb
- Velocidade mínima de conexão de 300kbps


Se não achar a solução para o seu problema ou tiver qualquer dúvida ou sugestão, utilize nosso formulário de contato na página "fale conosco" ou

entre em contato com o Call Center (2574-8888 ou 08000246172),

com a Central de Atendimento do seu campus ou

pelo endereço

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