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Week 6

Multimedia accessibility



Identify power point, flash, word, excel and pdf files accessibility techniques;

identify images, audio and video accessibility techniques;

review existing course in terms of multimedia accessibility.



Watch multimedia presentation

Take part on discussion forum



The need for accessible communications encompasses all information technology. One very important area of focus must be on accessible multimedia, audio and video. When we provide available content through videos we must ensure equal opportunity to individuals with disabilities.

Students who are deaf or hard of hearing must have access to audio portions of multimedia and audio only products by using captioned video resources.

Similarly, individuals who are blind or low-vision might not be able to fully participate in video-only products unless alternatives are provided, such as audio descriptions of the video content or transcripts that can be accessed using screen reader software.





















Discussion forum:

nalyse your own course based on the accessibility techniques mentioned.

What are de areas in wich your course needs improvement?

How could it happen?






You will be graded for an original post and at least one reply to peer posts during this week. Posts must be related to subject, occur in the week while the topic is under discussion, expand concepts and encourage others to participate. You will be graded for use of new arguments and relationship established with other parts of document.

Answer the forum

Word and PDF accessibility techniques

Power Point accessibility techniques

Tables and images accessibility techniques

Video accessibility techniques

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