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Week 4

Assistive technologies



Recognize how individuals with disabilities interact with and use the web;

evaluate how assistive technologies work



Watch multimedia presentation

Take part on the Wiki tool activity



Assistive technology is one of many opportunities that are necessary to reduce the disabling influence of many environments. Technology is a ubiquitous part of our everyday lives, which for the most part, makes our daily tasks simpler to do. 

Some principles foreground assistive technology: the process is person centred, the outcome is enabled of participation in desired activities, an evidence-informed process is used for service delivery, assistive technology service delivery is provided in an ethical manner and assistive technology service delivery is provided in an sustentable manner.


For each type of disabilities there are specific assistive technologies. Follow de links below to learn more:

















Wiki tool:

Make an online research to identify hardware and software soluctions in assistive technology.

Explain this technology for others.

Contribute to collaborative document. 






You will be graded for an original post and at least one reply to peer posts during this week. Posts must be related to subject, occur in the week while the topic is under discussion, expand concepts and encourage others to participate. Students will be graded for use of new arguments and relationship established with other parts of document.

Go to the wiki tool

softwares para deficientes visuais

teclados, mouses e acionadores


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