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Week 1

Universal Design



Comprehend the concepts of inclusion, accessibility and Universal Design;

understand the seven principles of Universal Design



Watch/read multimedia presentations

Answer online quiz

Take part on discussion forum

















What is the difference between Integration and Inclusion?

Integration increases the opportunities for the participation of a student who has a disability within the educational system of a mainstream school.

Inclusion is the full participation of a student who has a disability within the educational system of a mainstream school. 

Integration models assume there is something wrong that must be fixed in order to fit into the present system. The supports and adaptations that occur are put in place to force a student into an existing classroom setting. 

Successful models of inclusion believe that all students are different, and all students can learn. There is nothing about a student that needs to be “fixed” in order for that child to fit into a system. The school system, as a whole, is enabled to change in order to meet the individual needs of all learners.


Follow de links below to learn more about accessibility and Universal Design. Once you feel prepared, take the online quiz to make sure that you understood the concepts. 


















Online quiz:

This quiz will consist of 5-10 multiple choice and true/false questions.

You will have 3 chances to pass the quiz. If they do not pass, you will be required to review the lecture before getting another attempt at the quiz.








Discussion forum:

Think about the wide range of abilities and disabilities potential students might have. How could Universal Design be useful for them?







You will be graded for an original post and at least one reply to peer posts during this week. Posts must be related to subject, occur in the week while the topic is under discussion, expand concepts and encourage others to participate. You will be graded for use of new arguments and relationship established with other parts of document.


Princípios do Design Universal

O que é Design Universal

O que é Acessibilidade

Answer the quiz

Answer the forum

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