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Week 5

Navigation and structure accessibility



Identify HTML and Javascript accessibility techniques;

review existing course in terms of navigation and structure accessibility.



Watch multimedia presentation

Take part on discussion forum



Despite the web's great potential for people with disabilities, this potential is still largely unrealized. Some sites can only be navigated using a mouse, and only a very small percentage of video or multimedia content has been captioned for the deaf.

What if the internet content is only accessible by using a mouse?

What do people do if they can't use a mouse?

And what if web developers use graphics instead of text?

If screen readers can only read text, how would they read the graphics to people who are blind?

As soon as you start asking these types of questions, you begin to see that there are a few potential glitches in the accessibility of the internet to people with disabilities.


Follow de links below to learn more about navigation and structure accessibility.













Discussion forum:

Analyse your own course based on the accessibility techniques mentioned.

What are de areas in wich your course needs improvement?

How could it happen?






You will be graded for an original post and at least one reply to peer posts during this week. Posts must be related to subject, occur in the week while the topic is under discussion, expand concepts and encourage others to participate. You will be graded for use of new arguments and relationship established with other parts of document.

design and struture 

 HTML and Javascript accessibility techniques

Answer the forum

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